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192 Results for search "Pregnancy: Risks".

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An experimental blood test could help detect pregnant women at increased risk for preeclampsia, a serious high blood pressure condition that can harm both mother and child.

Researchers report the test looks at genetic markers found in tiny particles called extra...

Roughly a month after having her second child, Nicole Gerardi-Lukens suddenly felt pressure in her pelvis that was so intense it sent her to the hospital.

When doctors told her bladder had prolapsed -- meaning that it had slipped from its normal position and was bulging into the vaginal wall -- she anticipated surgery and a long, difficult recovery with a newborn and 4-year-old at home.

Almost 10% of women who get COVID during pregnancy develop long-lasting symptoms, and a new study suggests doctors may be overlooking them.

"I doubt most obstetric clinicians are as aware of Long COVID as perhaps we should be," said study co-leader

  • Carole Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 12, 2024
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  • Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, more Americans think their state should allow a woman to get a legal abortion for any reason, a new poll finds.

    Just over 6 in 10 of those questioned say women should have that right, compared to just under 50% of Americans who held the same belief in 2021, the new

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 9, 2024
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  • Expectant mothers who get vaccinated to protect their newborns against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are not putting themselves or their babies at risk, new research affirms.

    It found that getting the shot during late pregnancy was not associated with increased odds of preterm birth or other outcomes.

    The difference in preterm birth rates between vaccinated women (5.9%) and unva...

    Cannabis use during pregnancy might affect the way a child's brain develops after birth, a new study says.

    Brain imaging of children exposed to cannabis in the womb has revealed patterns consistent with reductions in brain inflammation, researchers reported July 4 in the journal Nature Mental Health.

    Too much ...

    Exposure to air pollution can significantly reduce the odds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) leading to a live birth, a new study says.

    The odds of a live birth are nearly 40% lower in women heavily exposed to particle pollution in the two weeks before her eggs were collected for IVF, com...

    The U.S. Supreme Court appears ready to rule that, for now, emergency abortions be allowed in Idaho when a woman's health is at risk, an opinion that was briefly posted on the court's website on Wednesday shows.

    The unsigned opinion, published first by Bloomberg News, only dismiss...

    The number of pregnant women with chronic high blood pressure doubled during the past decade and a half, but treatment remains low among them, a new study found.

    About 3.7% of pregnant women were diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2021, up from 1.8% in 2008, ...

    Preeclampsia can be a life-threatening complication of pregnancy, but a new blood test can help predict a woman's risk for the condition while she is in her first trimester, the test's maker said Wednesday.

    It's the first test in the United States that can be used between 11 and 14 weeks gestation to determine the risk of preeclampsia before 34 weeks of pregnancy, La...

    A potentially dangerous spike in blood pressure known as preeclampsia can occur in 1 in every 25 pregnancies, but an accurate test to spot those women at highest risk has remained elusive.

    Now, Canadian researchers at Université Laval in Québec City say they've developed an algorithm that seems to do just that. 

    In their study of more than 7,000 pregnant women, the test o...

    There's no evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy increases the risk of childhood autism, ADHD or intellectual disability, the largest study to date on the subject has concluded.

    The analysis of more than 2.4 million children born in Sweden included siblings not exposed to the drug before birth, ...

    In two separate rulings on Monday, the Florida Supreme Court backed that state's abortion ban while also allo...

    Teen pregnancy can change the trajectory of one's life, but now a new study suggests it could also shorten that life.

    Canadian researchers report that women who were pregnant as teenagers were more likely to die before they reached the age of 31.

    "The younger the person was when they became pregnant, the greater their risk was of premature death,"study first author

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 15, 2024
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  • Maternal syphilis rates have tripled in recent years, putting thousands of newborns at risk for infection, a new U.S. government report shows.

    Left untreated, syphilis can damage the heart and brain and cause blindness, deafness and paralysis. When transmitted during pregnancy, it can cause miscarriage, lifelong medical issues and infant death.

    In the new

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • February 13, 2024
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  • The first postpartum depression pill approved for use in the United States is now available to women who need it, the drug's makers announced Thursday.

    Sold under the name Zurzuvae, the medication can quickly ease severe postpartum depression and help women regain their emotional equilibrium following childbirth.

    The medication, which is now stocked in specialty pharmacies, can also...

    Doctors report they are seeing what they think is a new syndrome in babies who are exposed to fentanyl while in the womb.

    All of the infants have cleft palates and unusually small heads, and all were born to mothers who said they'd used fentanyl and other drugs while pregnant.

    Six babies were first` identified at Nemours Children's Health in Wilmington, Del., two in California and o...

    Hispanic women who experience spikes in blood pressure while pregnant may also face higher heart risks years later, new research shows.

    These "hypertensive disorders of pregnancy" (HDP) -- conditions such as preeclampsia, eclampsia and gestational hypertension -- may even have a greater role to play in certain heart risks than regular high blood pressure, the researchers noted.


    THURSDAY, Nov. 16, 2023 (Healthday News) -- The chances of a woman having two uteruses are rare, but the odds of becoming pregnant at the same time in each uterus are even more rare.

    But one Alabama woman is experiencing just that.

    Kelsey Hatcher was born with two uteruses, each with its own cervix -- known medically as uterine didelphys. She is expecting two baby girls, one in each...

    THURSDAY, Nov. 16, 2023 (Healthday News) -- Using cannabis during pregnancy may not be as benign as some think, with a new review showing it raises the risk for both premature and low birth weight newborns.

    In turn, that raised the chances of these infants winding up in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for special care.

    There was reassuring news in the analysis, published Nov. ...

    The timing of a simple, standard part of childbirth could mean the difference between life and death for premature babies, a pair of new evidence reviews have concluded.

    Preemies whose umbilical cords are clamped 30 seconds to two minutes after birth are less likely to die before leaving the hospital, compared to those whose cords are immediately clamped, researchers report in the Nov. 14...

    Air pollution could be harming the development of children, reaching into the womb to alter their healthy growth, a new study reports.

    Researchers say certain air pollutants appear to negatively alter a specific measure of prenatal exposure to hormones.

    "These findings suggest air pollution may interfere with normal hormone activity during critical periods of prenatal and early infa...

    Following nearly two decades of decline, U.S. infant death rates edged up by 3% in 2022, new provisional government numbers reveal.

    "This was the first year we saw statistically significant increased rates of infant mortality in about 20 years,"said study author Danielle Ely, a statistician at the U.S. National Center for He...

    Air pollution from heavy traffic may be driving pregnancy complications and health concerns for infants.

    Researchers who matched more than 60,000 birth records with air-monitoring data found that pregnant patients living in an urban area with elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide had higher rates of preterm birth.

    This included delivery before 28 weeks, according to

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 16, 2023
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  • Teens and young adult women who survive cancer appear to have higher odds of delivering babies with birth defects, according to a new study.

    Knowing this, young women making decisions about pregnancy and prenatal care should receive appropriate counseling and surveillance, said study lead author Caitlin Murphy.

    "Concerns li...

    Smoking during pregnancy is a significant risk factor for premature births, but drinking coffee is not, new research suggests.

    Women who smoked during pregnancy were 2.6 times more likely to give birth prematurely compared to nonsmokers, a risk that was double that of previous estimates, the University of Cambridge scientists found.

    "We've known for a long time that smoking during p...

    A new study suggests there may be a link between job loss and miscarriage or stillbirth.

    The risk of miscarriage or stillbirth doubled after a pregnant woman or her partner lost a job, European researchers found. Their study was published Sept. 28 in the journal Human Reproduction

    Women may soon have a vaccine they can take during a pregnancy to help protect their newborn from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

    Following approval one month ago by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday also approved the shot, called Abrysvo. That marks the last hurdle needed for the vaccine to become widely available.


    Substance abuse and pregnancy may be a dangerous combination.

    New research finds that pregnant women with a history of substance abuse had a dramatically increased risk of death from heart attack and stroke during childbirth compared to women with no drug history.

    "This telling research shows that substance use during pregnancy doubled cardiovascular events and maternal mortality du...

    When some U.S. states made abortion illegal after the Supreme Court overturned the longstanding Roe v Wade in June 2022, women in those areas increased their searches for self-managed abortions.

    To come to that conclusion, researchers from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) analyzed Google search results regarding self-abortion.

    "We found an increased number of searches in s...

    Global warming has been linked to higher rates of asthma, heart disease and other health concerns. Now, new research suggests that rising temperatures across the planet may place pregnant women at greater risk for severe pregnancy-related illnesses, especially in their third trimester.

    And this is likely to get worse in the near future, said study author

  • Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 8, 2023
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  • If you were a big baby -- or your spouse or partner was -- your baby has a good chance of being big, too.

    New research shows parents who were large babies are more likely to give birth to a large baby.

    Knowing this has the potential to improve prenatal care and interventions by identifying which pregnancies have higher risk of labor and delivery complications.

    To study this, r...

    Phthalates are commonly used in plastics, and researchers have now tied them to developmental issues in toddler boys who were exposed to the chemical in the womb.

    The new study links the chemicals to emotional and behavioral development issues in 2-year-old boys ...

    If you are a new mom struggling with postpartum depression, taking antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may also bear benefits for your child's development.

    That's according to new research that found the medications were associated with improvements in a child's behavior up to five years after birth.

    Researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry, ...

    From receiving no response to cries for help to being verbally abused, 1 in 5 U.S. mothers say they were mistreated by a health care professional during pregnancy and delivery.

    Rates of mistreatment during maternity care were higher among Black, Hispanic and multiracial women, according to a survey of more than 2,400 new moms published in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventio...

    Women may soon have a vaccine they can take during a pregnancy to help protect their newborn from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), following U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of the shot, called Abrysvo, on Monday

    The vaccine is designed to be given to pregnant women between 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy as a way to protect infants from birth through 6 months from the sometimes ...

    Black women have significantly more preterm births than white women do, and though almost a third of these extra cases can be explained by heart issues and social factors, the rest remain a mystery.

    However, targeting those known factors could improve birth outcomes, a new study suggests. Social determinants of health include factors such as income, education, insurance and access to care...

    Diagnosis of congenital heart defects while a baby is still in the womb offers opportunities for earlier corrective surgery. And that can mean better outcomes for an infant's neurodevelopmental and physical health, new research shows.

    "For infants with critical disease especially, getting surgery...

    Steroids are often unnecessarily prescribed to pregnant women thought to be at risk of preterm birth, a new evidence review contends.

    As a result, millions of babies are needlessly exposed to long-term health problems associated with steroid use in gestation, such as increased risk of infection and delayed brain development, researchers say.

    Steroids can't prevent preterm birth, but...

    More U.S. women are living in areas with little or no maternity care, raising concern about their ability to have a healthy pregnancy and birth.

    New research from the March of Dimes shows a 4% drop in birthing hospitals throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, and decreased access to maternity care in 369 counties since 2018.

    More than 32 million women lack access to reproducti...

    Too little fiber in Mom's diet during pregnancy may slow a baby's mental development, Japanese research suggests.

    Animal studies have found that a low-fiber diet during pregnancy slows brain nerve function in offspring. The new study, published July 27 in the journal

    Many women are not being counseled about heart disease after giving birth, a new study finds.

    Only 60% of at-risk women said they were advised about heart health at their postpartum checkup, researchers say.

    About 90% of U.S. women have a doctor visit during what is referred to as the "fourth trimester."

    "We need to find ways to take advantage of this prime opportunity when w...

    When it comes to pregnancy and caffeinated drinks, less is best, says an expert, warning women to avoid energy drinks in particular.

    "Energy drinks contain varying amounts of caffeine, so check nutrition labels to understand how much caffeine and other ingredients they contain,"Dr. David Nelson

    In the two decades since the opioid epidemic took off, the addiction crisis has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

    Now, new research points to another grim outgrowth of the crisis on American health: a skyrocketing risk in pregnant women for hepatitis infection (HCV).

    That's because the main risk factor for contracting hepatitis C -- a liver infection spread by...

    It's not only a mother's mental health that is tied to the risk for preterm birth -- the father's matters, too.

    New research found that the risk of premature birth was higher for infants whose mothers or fathers had a psychiatric diagnosis than for those whose parents did not.

    Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden analyzed data on all live births to Nordic parents in S...

    Testing positive for a COVID-19 infection during a particular phase of fertility treatment could reduce the odds for a successful pregnancy, a new study says.

    That phase of treatment is called controlled ovarian stimulation -- a technique used to induce ovulation during in vitro fertilization (IVF).

    Researchers led by

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 14, 2023
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  • Black women are more likely to die during or soon after childbirth due to systemic racism and sexism in the medical system, not genetics or lifestyle, according to the United Nations.

    A U.N. agency, the United Nations Population Fund, released a

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 13, 2023
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  • While preeclampsia and stroke during pregnancy are far more common in Black women in the United States, almost all study of links between these two conditions has been done on white women.

    In a new study, researchers worked to better understand the risks.

    This included examining 25 years of data involving 59,000 participants in the Black Women's Health Study.

    The researchers f...

    Marijuana use during pregnancy may impact the baby's brain development and long-term health, according to new research with monkeys.

    THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) -- the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis -- altered the placental and fetal epigenome in monkeys who were given THC edibles, researchers say. These modifications can cause changes that aff...

    Sunny summer days may improve the odds for successful in vitro fertilization (IVF), a new study suggests.

    For women undergoing IVF, the season in which her eggs are retrieved could affect the success of embryo transplantation and her chance of delivering a live baby, researchers reported July 5 in the journal

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 7, 2023
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