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Results for search "Exercise: Weight Lifting".

Health News Results - 13

A popular tactic among weight lifters is “training to failure” -- pushing yourself to the point where you can’t do a single more rep.

That might help a person grow bigger muscles, but won’t necessarily increase their overall strength, a new ...

Folks nearing retirement shouldn't skip leg days at the gym, a new study advises.

One year of heavy strength training preserves vital leg strength up to at least four years later, researchers found.

"This study provides evidence that resistance training with he...

Bodybuilders are largely unaware that the protein supplements they use to bulk up might harm their fertility, a new study shows.

Four out of five male gym enthusiasts (79%) said they use protein supplements as part of their fitness plan, the poll found.

But only 14% had considered how those supplements -- which contain high levels of the female hormone estrogen -- might impact their...

Lifting weights regularly builds strength and muscle -- and it doesn't matter if those weights are heavy or light.

It's the act itself, and being consistent, that pays off, according to a new study.

All forms of resistance training are beneficial, including body-weight exercises such as planks, lunges and push-ups, according to kinesiologists at McMaster University in Ontario, Canad...

You can keep an arm in a cast from wasting away, researchers say, by working out your free arm.

A small group of young men who performed eccentric contraction exercises with one arm -- lowering a dumbbell in a slow and controlled motion -- saw a 4% strength improvement in the other arm, even though it was immobilized by a cast at the elbow.

Another group assigned to perform concentr...

Look at a bodybuilder who has bulked up with bulging muscles, and it might not seem that lifting weights can shed pounds. But first impressions can be deceiving.

Instead, experts say, building muscle can indeed be one way to transform your body and lose weight.

"Weightlifting activates your large muscle groups and, when done appropriately, can burn more calories than steady state c...

Steroid users, especially teen boys and young men, seem indifferent to the serious side effects and dependency associated with use of the drugs, a new study finds.

"We're seeing more young adults and adolescent boys engaging in risk behaviors, such as the use of steroids, to achieve what many see as the ideal male body,"said lead author

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 28, 2022
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  • Full Page
  • Combining weightlifting with aerobic exercise can significantly lower your odds dying early, especially from heart disease, new research shows.

    Depending how much weightlifting they did, older adults reduced their risk of premature death by between 9% and 22%, the study found. Moderate or vigorous aerobic exercise lowered the risk by 24% to 34%. The lowest risk, however, was seen among th...

    Whether the goal is bulging biceps or just a bit more strength and mass, a relatively light workout several times a week beats a more intense one done just once a week.

    That's the conclusion of a small Australian study in which researchers spent a month tracking muscle-building progress among 36 college st...

    While a plant-based diet may be associated with lower bone mineral density and increased fracture risk, there might be a way to counteract that: pumping iron.

    New Austrian research shows that vegans who lift weights or do strength training have stronger bones than vegans who only do othe...

    Folks tussling with lousy sleep often turn to the sidewalk or the treadmill or the bike, figuring that aerobic exercise will earn them a few more minutes of solid snoozing.

    They might be better off hefting some weights, a new study argues.

    Resistance exercise appears to be better than aerobic workouts as a way to improve your 40 winks if you're having problems sleeping, researchers ...

    Adding regular strength training to your exercise routine may not only make you stronger, but let you live longer, too, researchers in Japan report.

    Their new study says 30 to 60 minutes a week of muscle...

    Strength training can help you lose weight, Australian researchers report.

    Their new study reports you can lose a percentage of body fat through strength training alone that is similar to weight loss through cardio or aerobics.

    "A lot of people think that if you want to lose weight, you need to go out and run," said researcher Mandy Hagstrom, an exercise physiologist and senior lect...